
A Most Fearful Sacrifice 2nd Edition REPRINT!

Created by Mark H. Walker

One of Flying Pig Games most popular tabletop games gets another reprint.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Everything has shipped!
about 2 months ago – Wed, Jul 24, 2024 at 03:36:29 AM

Howdy Folks,

Everything has shipped to all locations. If you haven't received your game/s by August 2nd, drop us an email at staffATflyingpiggamesDOTcom. Thanks for your patience. 



At Last
2 months ago – Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 12:59:25 PM

Hi Guys,

Gamesquest just informed us that the EU/AU/RoW orders will ship Monday/Tuesday (July 15/16) of next week. Thank goodness! Sorry for the delay.


Shipping update
3 months ago – Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 12:29:30 PM

Hi Folks,

VAT "t's" have been crossed. Games are at Gamequest, we have double checked shipping list, UPC, everything. We are just waiting for Gamesquest to give us the day they will ship. As soon as I know, you'll know.


Overseas Shipping Update
4 months ago – Sun, May 12, 2024 at 06:02:58 AM

Hi Folks,

We are behind with this, pure and simple. Our shipping manager had emergent surgery at the beginning of April that has delayed several elements of the overseas shipping. That's the bad news.

The good news is that the overseas shipping information, combining both the AMFS Kickstarter/Pledge Manager and the '85 Kickstarter/Pledge Manager, has been submitted to Quartermaster. We hope it will be palletized and on its way to Southampton, England within a few days. 

Thanks for your patience.


Pledge Manager Closes Next Week!
5 months ago – Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 04:59:21 AM

Hi Folks,

The AMFS pledge manager will close on April 29th! As we said, this was/is a quick pledge manager. We did that so we can get the games out to you right away. 

Obviously, we're not going to be able to ship in April, but I feel we'll be shipping the games to your door in the U.S by May 10th.

I really hope that by the week after, we'll have the games on a ship to our overseas fulfiller.

